RFA Membership
Membership in the RFA includes all those who have been full-time or part-time USC Faculty members and who have been identified to the Emeriti Center by the Office of the Provost as having retired. A USC pre-retiree faculty member who would like to activate his or her membership prior to retirement is free to do so. In addition, the spouse or partner of a living or deceased RFA member can become an active member. All RFA membership contributions are tax deductible.
Membership is activated by submitting a membership application form and by paying an annual contribution. Active members participate in the election of Board members and may hold office in the Retired Faculty Association. The Retired Faculty Association is totally dependent on contributions to support its activities. It has no other source of income.
RFA General Fund: An annual $35 donation maintains a member and spouse’s/partner’s membership in the Retired Faculty Association. It is used to pay operating expenses and to support the USC Emeriti Center for staff, websites, programs and advocacy.
Russell Caldwell Neighborhood Scholarships: This donation supports students from USC neighborhoods attending USC. It is an opportunity to encourage local students –many the first generation – to pursue higher education and build for the future. This program is administered through the Financial Aid Office.
RFA Endowment Fund: The Robert Biller Endowment Fund provides long-term support for the Retired Faculty Association and its members. Contributions ensure the RFA will continue to serve its retired members now and in the future. The Fund’s income is available for critical activities or it is reinvested.
USC Emeriti Center Endowment Fund: The USC Emeriti Center is the crown jewel of campus-based retiree organizations, partnering with USC Schools to provide intergenerational, interdisciplinary and multicultural programs for the entire University. The Emeriti Center reflects the principle that retired faculty remain a vital part of the faculty and retired staff continue to be honored members of the USC community.
Lifetime memberships are available in three categories, and contributions in any category will count toward the next pinnacle of giving.
Lifetime Member — $1,000
Cardinal Lifetime Member — $5,000
Gold Lifetime Member — $10,000
Joint Lifetime Memberships are available for any member and their spouse/partner.
You can save on taxes contributing through your IRA.