Financial Services/Information
Website: USC Retirement Savings Program
HR Solution Center Contact: (213) 821-8100
USC Office of Benefits Administration
Information on retirement distribution options*
University Park Campus
3720 S. Flower Street
Credit Union Building, 2nd floor
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0704
Phone: (213) 740-6027
Fidelity Investments
Review your USC retirement savings accounts, review your asset allocation, determine if you are saving enough to meet your retirement goals, and evaluate your distribution options at retirement with a retirement counselor.
Phone: 1-800-343-0860
Prudential Retirement
Review your USC retirement savings accounts, review your asset allocation, determine if you are saving enough to meet your retirement goals, and evaluate your distribution options at retirement with a retirement counselor.
Phone: 1-800-458-6333
Receive information and support to help you meet your financial goals, attend USC financial education seminars or meet one-on-one with a TIAA-CREF investment professional to assess your financial situation.
Phone: 1-800-842-2776
USC Credit Union
Retain or gain membership in member-owned financial cooperative—available to retirees, widowed spouses, children and grandchildren; receive high-deposit yields, low loan APRs, and low transaction fees.*
GOLD CARD PRIVILEGE: Bonus rate on new money-market and certificate accounts, discounted tax advice*
Phone: 213-821-7100 or 877-670-5860
Flower Street Branch
3720 S. Flower St.
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0703
Phone: (213) 821-7100
University Park Campus
1025 W 34th Street
King Hall, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Phone: (213) 821-7100
Health Sciences Campus
1969 Zonal Ave.
Seaver Residence Hall, Suite 101B
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Phone: (323) 821-7100
Schedule an in-depth consultation to discuss the financial questions that matter most to you.
Phone: (800) 523-1188
*Also available to eligible spouses/partners