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Board Meeting Minutes – January 2018



Friday, January 19, 2018

1:00 pm-3:00 pm

University Religious Center 102

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mike Klineman at 1:02 pm.

Present:  Evelyn Alva, Janette Brown, Fred Dear, David Donovan, Linda Forman, Bill Givens, Connie Horak, Dixon Johnson, Calvin Lau, Dick Martin, Harriet Servis, Donna Simmons, Victor Webb, Lynn Williams

Absent:  Bob Church, Jean Church, Sue Vogel, Jill Hopkins

Welcome and Remarks – Michael Klineman

  • As always, Mike warmly greeted members of the Board and asked us to discuss future directions for SRA later in the meeting (based on earlier discussions). He commented that the time for this meeting was moved to 1:00 pm to accommodate the memorial service for Howard Saperstein, which will begin at 3:30 pm at University Center.

Approval of minutes from October meeting – Linda Forman

  • The minutes were presented as approved, including all corrections and additions shared by SRA Board members. Moved by Dixon Johnson; Seconded by Donna Simmons; Motion passed.


Financial Report and Data Management, and Membership Recruitment and Renewals – Dick Martin

  • Treasurer’s report: Dick circulated a detailed financial analysis of all income and expenses for the current fiscal year, as of 11/15/2017. The USC Credit Union accounts total $33,096.41 with $19,362.34 in the checking account.  The SRA share of the Endowment Account is $60,009.78 (annual earnings rate = 4.50%).  Year to date for 2017-18 total funds received for dues, endowment and gifts are $13,557.  As of 11/15/2017, we have 286 2017-18 renewals, 159 life members and 136 joint members.  60 2017 members are delinquent.  In addition, we have 123 new gold card retirees who received their first year of SRA membership free.  Four (4) members renewed beyond 2018.
  • Some donations to the endowment are not yet processed. Some payments are not yet processed, overstating the Credit Union balance, slightly.
  • Donna Simmons moved, with a second to donate $500 to Emeriti Center. Approved.
  • Dick Martin moved, and Donna Simmons seconded to donate $250 to the Caldwell Scholarship Fund.

Staff Assembly – Bill Givens

  • Staff Assembly’s (SA) monthly meetings are held in the work site of the monthly host who introduces their unit, a very successful practice!
  • The term of service for the SA board was changed from a calendar year to an academic year. Some positions will be bridged for the January to June period.  We will be asking SA President Jeff de Caen to name a liaison to the SRA Board.

RFA – Calvin Lau

  • Calvin Lau hopes to grow the Retired Faculty Association (RFA) membership and attendance at Board meetings. The most recent Distinguished Lecture Series (formerly Sherry Hour) program featured “Homegrown Violent Extremism – Toward a New Understanding”; Dr. Erroll G. Southers, Sol Price School of Public Policy, Professor in the Practice of Governance, Director, Safe Communities Institute.  The event was very well attended.
  • The RFA Board meeting this month will focus on working through the RFA evolving identity. The RFA will be switching to noon for programs, providing a light lunch and opening to all were all successful in increasing attendance. It is hoped that this program will help in the cultivation and recruitment of RFA leaders for the future

Programs and Hospitality – Connie Horak, Harriet Servis and Donna Simmons

  • Donna Simmons reported on the December 8, 2017 Holiday Breakfast. The decorations were beautiful, the shuttles to and from parking worked great, the program was spectacular, and a great time was had by all. We came in on budget and the bills are nearly all settled.
  • Connie Horak reported that planning for the March Staff Retiree Luncheon scheduled for March 16, 2018 is on schedule. We will invite 163 retirees which is significantly higher the 125 average from past years.  Todd Dickey’s Office is again contributing $10,000 for the lunch.  The contract has been signed and submitted to Town and Gown.  Harriet Servis will prepare an article for the newsletter.  Donn Simmons has prepared the Wufoo form for reservations.  SRA Invitation postcards and retiree letters will be printed next week.  The committee will meet next week to review the To Do list and affix labels.
  • A request has been sent out for nominations to the J. Tillman Hall Staff Award for Service to USC. Nominations may be submitted at: ly/staffaward2017.

Emeriti Center –Janette Brown

  • A memorial service for Carol Gustin, long time member of the SRA and amazing volunteer. will be held on February 2, 2018 at 10 am at the First Christian Church, 1207 Main Street, Huntington Beach 92648. There will be no additional ceremonies. Additional information about Carol can be found on the EC web site at In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to USC Athletics or the Keck School of Medicine.
  • A memorial service for Howard Saperston will be held this afternoon at the University Center.
  • The Emeriti Center (EC) focus is on fostering programs and activities which cultivate tolerance and respect with an intergenerational audience to this end Janette actively interacts with all segments of the USC community.
  • The funding previously used for retiree health stipends has been used to fund two new positions, the Faculty Recruitment Navigator and the Staff Navigator. While there continue to be some problems, “things are working fairly well” as part of the shared service model.
  • Contact EC for form for new or replacement god
  • J Tillman Hall committee: Connie, Jerry, Mike, we should reach out beyond SRA
  • Programs under consideration:
    1. Assisting future and new retirees with financial planning. Important to use speakers who are objective and familiar with non-profit organizations’ employee programs and are non-biased in approach.
    2. A security workshop focusing on both personal and cybersecurity.
    3. Survey A subcommittee is looking at the USC retiree survey conducted 10 years ago with the objective of developing a new shorter survey for future distribution on-line.
    4. Widows and widowers group conversation and free lunch
    5. AROHE mid-October at Emery maybe president of SRA could attend
    6. Possible SRA 40th anniversary event perhaps at University Village
    7. Emeriti College program by Bill Givens on writing and publishing a book.
  • Upcoming programs:
    1. Physical Therapy workshop. Lecture and small group
    2. See handout.
    3. School of Dramatic Arts presentation on Super Bowl Sunday
    4. Personal talk about Verna Dauterive, and tour of building Apr 6
    5. Experiment with NPO to learn to give lectures on basics of financial literacy.
  • SRA Board volunteers were requested to:
    1. Assist the EC in phoning recent retirees to encourage involvement with the retiree organizations and programs
    2. Check the EC website: for errors and to ensure that current activities are listed.
    3. Investigate developing courses for the Emeriti College. These courses could be offered on campus or at other sites.

Emeriti Center Benefits & Resources Committee- Connie Horak

  • A subcommittee is looking at the USC retiree survey conducted 10 years ago with the objective of developing a new shorter survey for future distribution on-line.
  • Louise Simon, who has a background in development, is helping to organize a subgroup looking for new benefits ideas.
  • Burton Marcus is point for the new faculty outreach program.

Special Events- Bill Givens                                                           

  • A tour to the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) is under consideration.
  • On a Thursday in late February or March, we will tour the USC Pacific Asian Museum in Pasadena.
  • West Side Story March 31 in Bing Theater at 2:30. To reserve seats send a check for $8.50 to the Emeriti Center, attention, Dick Marin.
  • A Walt Disney Concert Hall Organ tour is still being researched. A compatible date remains a problem.

New Business

  • President Mike summarized the “brain storming session” held at the end of the November SRA Board Meeting. The top for directions suggested by the “brain storming” groups include:
    1. Reactivation of Trojans Helping Trojans (THT) to reach out to SRA and RFA members in need of transportation, or help with accessing electronic information (e.g., email, the EC web site, Facebook).
    2. Provide more accessible technical assistance to SRA members.
    3. Increase advocacy via programs centering on issues jointly important to university employees, retirees and students.\
    4. Participation in Staff Appreciation Week
    5. Personal presentations by members of SRA and RFA to the general university audience.

Adjournment at 3:02 pm

Minutes taken by: Linda Forman