Janette C. Brown
Executive Director, Emerita
Dr. Janette Brown joined the USC Emeriti Center as its executive director in 2005 and served as an assistant vice provost until July 2024. She is a USC Davis School of Gerontology adjunct faculty. She also served 14 years as the executive director for AROHE.org (Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education).
In these roles, Janette connected the university with the intellectual and cultural capital of the USC retiree community. She managed grants and endowments, and provided a network of resources, educational and creative opportunities for current and retired faculty, staff and students. The Emeriti Center partners with USC schools and units for intergenerational programming to benefit all members of the Trojan Family including USC students, alumni and the local community. Additionally, the Center connects with the community for college access volunteer programs.
Janette worked closely with the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs, the Academic Senate, Staff Assembly, Human Resources, the Office of Benefits Administration, ITS and the WorkWell Center, along with other USC schools and units. These partnerships offer opportunities for service and learning, retirement transitions, student connections and beyond; she also connected students with intergenerational experiential learning opportunities.
Janette has conducted research on retirement issues relevant to faculty and staff, offers limited life coaching sessions, and has given conference presentations in the US, Canada, Taiwan and Germany. She provided consulting advice for universities and has authored and co-authored book chapters for the European Research Institute on Health and Aging, the American Council on Education, and New Directions for Higher Education. She is the recipient of the 2019 President’s Award for Staff Achievement.
Janette joined USC in 1995 as a USC Career Center associate director, where she managed an internship office and two grant-funded international programs while teaching an undergraduate course on Theories of Career Development in the USC Rossier School of Education. A member of USC Women in Management since 1996, Janette served on the board for several years and was a WIM HERS Institutes scholarship winner attending the Women’s Summer Leadership Institute at Bryn Mawr in 2002. She also served on the USC University Club Board for 8 years.
Janette also served on several USC committees including the Age Friendly University Network, USC Alumni Leadership Council, Deans of Faculty Council, Academic Honors Convocation, and Healthy Campus Advisory Committee.
Janette is vice president of the Leo Buscaglia Foundation Board. Leo Buscaglia was a former USC professor and renowned scholar, author and speaker, dubbed “The Love Doctor” and “Dr. Hug”. Additionally, she is a research contributor to Renewment exploring new retirement models for professional women and leads a USC women’s’ Renewment group. In her spare time, she coordinates travel trips for USC retirees.
A former high school teacher and real estate broker/office manager, Janette earned her doctorate and a second master’s degree from the USC Rossier School of Education. Both daughter and son are USC alumni.
To view Janette Brown CV