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Eric Trules

Professor “Eric Trules” (or just “Trules”, as he was known to students and colleagues) is a native of New York City, and he was a USC School of Dramatic Arts faculty member from 1986 – 2017. He was twice a Fulbright Scholar – in Malaysia in 2002 and Romania in 2010, and he won USC’s prestigious Phi Kappa Phi “Faculty Recognition Award” in 1999 for his feature-length autobiographical documentary film, “The Poet and the Con”.

Madeleine “June” Griffin

As an experienced USC administrator, she helped the Emeriti Center launch Trojan Encore with Carole Gustin and was one of the very first Trojan Encore employees working for the Viterbi School of Engineering, Student affairs. She will be truly missed. (June passed away February 2019).

Marcel Nimni

Dr. Marcel Nimni, a dedicated educator and researcher over the course of his 54-year USC faculty career, had consistent grant support and published prolifically-more than 200 papers, several books and over 20 book chapters.

Joel Schechter

Dr. Joel E. Schechter is recognized with a USC Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award for his commitment to medical education and to students at all levels. He received an MA in Medical Illustration from Johns Hopkins University, and a PhD in Anatomy from UCLA.

Donna Simmons

Dr. Donna Simmons has served the USC retiree community since her retirement as a Neuroscience research associate in 2009. She is open and welcoming to everyone: staff, faculty, retirees, students, and the community. Widely liked and respected, Donna is a natural USC Ambassador.

Harriet Servis

The 2018 J. Tillman Staff Award for Service to USC is presented to Harriet Servis for outstanding service to USC since her retirement in 2000. This award has special meaning for Harriet, as she worked for seven years with J. Tillman Hall when he was the Director of the Emeriti Center.

Robert E. Coffey

Robert E. Coffey, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, retired from USC’s Marshall School of Business in 1998 after 35 years of service. He remained an independent consultant until 2001. During his USC career he was an early director of the Entrepreneur Program, Director of the M.B.A. Program, and served twice as department chair.