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Curren W. Warf

curren warf

Dr. Curren W. Warf retired from the Division of Adolescent Medicine Childrens Hospital Los Angeles to take a position as Head of the Division of Adolescent Medicine at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada.  He currently is reinvigorating a Division of Adolescent Medicine and initiating a new Fellowship in Adolescent Medicine.  He remains both professionally and intellectually active.

Curren Warf joined the faculty at the Keck School of Medicine of USC after completing pediatric residency and adolescent medicine fellowship at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA).  While on staff at CHLA Division of Adolescent Medicine, he was appointed Assistant Clinical Professor, then Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics.  He served as Attending Physician at CHLA, as medical director of the High Risk Youth Program of the Division of Adolescent Medicine for 15 years, and as the director of the Adolescent Medicine Fellowship program for 13 years.  During his tenure at CHLA, he supervised the experience of essentially all the pediatric residents in adolescent medicine and many medical students.

He was also on the national board of Physicians for Social Responsibility and served as president of the Board of Directors of Physicians for Social Responsibility—Los Angeles until 2009 when he left USC and CHLA and moved from Los Angeles to Vancouver, British Columbia.  He also served on the Child Health Consultant Advisory Committee of LA Care since its initiation until leaving Los Angeles, serving as the Committee chairman for several years.  He was the Adolescent representative to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Chapter 2 and served on the Executive Committee for about twelve years, during which time, together with others, he participated in several successful campaigns to defeat California State Propositions that would restrict adolescents’ access to reproductive health services.  The AAP had a high profile in these campaigns.  He also was a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a Fellow of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.  Dr. Warf authored several articles and academic chapters on violence and youth, gangs, homelessness, youth in high risk environments, the impact of the Iraq war on the health of children, survival sex among homeless youth, and environmental toxins’ effect on children’s health.

“It’s difficult to give general advice about retirement.  I haven’t really retired yet, but I suppose what I would say is keep your mind and spirit open to new possibilities, don’t be afraid to take some chances and embark on new adventures, pay attention to those that you love, and contribute to the betterment of the world, especially the lives and futures of children.  Oh yes, and have some fun while you’re at it.”  Curren Warf, 2009