Friday, October 20, 2017
University Religious Center 102
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mike Klineman at 10:00 am.
Present: Janett Brown, Linda Forman, Bill Givens, Connie Horak, Mike Klineman, Calvin Lau, Dick Martin, Harriet Servis, Donna Simmons
Absent: Fred Dear, David Donovan, Jill Hopkins, Dixon Johnson, Victor Webb, Lynn Williams
Guests: None
Welcome and Remarks – Michael Klineman
- Our president, Mike, suggested we try to get through the agenda by 11:30 am so the Board would have time to brainstorm about future directions for the Staff Retirement Association (SRA) in this time of limited resources.
- Mike announced that Jo Ochoa sent email that, for personal reasons, she and Art have o resign from SRA.
Approval of minutes – Linda Forman
- The July and August 2017 minutes were approved as corrected. Moved: Donna Simmons; Seconded: Jill Hopkins.
Financial Report – Dick Martin
- Treasurer’s report: Dick circulated a detailed financial analysis of all income and expenses for the current fiscal year, as of 10/18/2017. The USC Credit Union accounts total $35,504.97 with $21,786.50 in the checking account. The SRA share of the Endowment Account is $57,175.94 (annual earnings rate = 4.50%). Year to date for 2017-18 total funds received for dues, endowment and gifts are $12,597. As of 10/18/2017, we have 276 2017-18 renewals, 155 life members and 134 joint members. 71 2017 members are delinquent. In addition, we have 123 new gold card retirees who received their first year of SRA membership free. Three (3) members renewed beyond 2018.
- Dick reported that this year’s endowment income has been posted to the SRA internal requisition account. He asked for a motion to transfer the income back into the endowment corpus. Linda Forman moved, and Donna Simmons seconded. The motion passed.
RFA – Calvin Lau
- Calvin Lau attended the Provost’s Annual Faculty Recognition Luncheon, October 19, 2017.
- Retired Faculty Association (RFA) could benefit by reaching out to graduate students and working faculty so that they are aware of RFA before they retire.
- Jerry Walker is doing a spectacular job with the Distinguished Lecture series.
- Gretchen Anderson will oversee the Annual Holiday Breakfast for the RFA.
- The focus of RFA for this academic year will be developing rules, procedures and processes to increase the visibility of RFA throughout the university.
Programs and Hospitality – Connie Horak, Donna Simmons and Lynn Williams
- Donna: The September 2017 SRA General Meeting was held at the new home for the Marshall School of Business, the Jill and Frank Fertitta Hall, located on UPC near Exposition and Figueroa. We toured the facility at 11:30 am, followed by a box lunch in the Fertitta Hall cafeteria. Choices included Chinese chicken salad, steamed dumplings or a sandwich. A USC student organization, the Helenes, provided staff assistance. The tour and lunch were a big success, with only 5 no shows.
- Donna: The annual Holiday Brunch is scheduled for Friday, December 8, 2017 at 9:00 am in Town and Gown. The menu will be the same as last year, and the price per person should be close to $21. The Emeriti Center (EC) will pay for university guests, entertainment (including Palmer Fuller), set-up, technology, etc. The SRA and RFA will pay for their respective meals. Requisitioning a driver and cart to transport guests from parking to Town in Gown is under consideration. Gretchen Anderson, from the Public Policy faculty, has volunteered to assist and to coordinate the clothing drive. Move: Encumber $4,000 for the Town and Gown deposit; move Donna Simmons, second Linda K Forman, passed.
- Connie: The Staff Retirement Lunch is scheduled for Friday, March 16, 2018. The SRA committing is awaiting quotes from Town and Gown. Todd Dickey will be on vacation. Dan Stimmler will be primary presenter, we will also ask SA President Jeff de Caen for a few remarks.
- For future meetings, we are exploring a talk by USC basketball coach Andy Enfield (great speaker!), a tour (limited capacity) of the Jonathon Club and a tour of the Galen Center, which has meeting rooms and parking.
Emeriti Center – Janette Brown
- Janette reported that the SRA is cutting edge, both at USC and nationwide. She would like to see SRA more active in AROHE.
- The EC Newsletter is out, sent via email.
- SRA still uses post cards, since some people do not read email.
- The Medicare workshop will have a lead speaker for Center for Medicare Rights.
Partnership with alumni association and career center program Boomer Reinvention. “Pursuing Your Passion @ 50”.
- The EC needs to develop a calling team of SRA and RFA members trained to call people who have just retired or let-go (e.g., Trojans helping Trojans).
- Karen Ammons, a new retiree, is interested in developing a Retiree staffed literacy program.
- Elizabeth Grady will be guest speaker at the next Executive Board meeting to be held November 8, 2017 at 11 am. RSVP on line.
- Sophia Hu (work study), and Grace Labrecque, and Kelly Ford (graduate. students from Geriatrics) are helping at the EC.
- Check the EC website for workshops
Emeriti Center Benefits & Resources Committee
- No report. Dixon Johnson was absent from the most recent meeting.
Staff Assembly – David Donovan and Bill Givens
- Two Staff Assembly (SA) meetings have occurred since SR met last. The September 2017 SA meeting was at University Village and the next meeting was at the Health Science Campus (HSC). Jeff de Caen is vivacious SA president. He has been, appointed liaison with many organizations on campus; Per Mike, SRA and SA should reach out to the USC Staff Club as part of SRA membership recruitment. Bill Givens will get a contact’s name. At nearly every SA meeting, someone asks about retirement.
Special Events – Bill Givens and Dick Martin
- A tour of the Los Angeles Times has been scheduled for October 18, 2017 at 11:00 am. The tour is limited to 40 individuals, and a list of names must be made available to the Los Angeles Times 48 hours in advance of the tour. Transportation details are under development. A Wufoo form will be designed to accept reservations.
- A tour of the Walt Disney Hall concert organ is being explored by Bill Givens for some time between June and September (when the Philharmonic is on summer tour). Parking at Disney Hall is $10. We may consider a bus rental. For a group, our size (about 60) not formally affiliated with the Concert Hall, there would be a $600 fee for two speakers (one of them the builder of the instrument). The RFA is interested in this event, too, and Janette Brown said that for a SRA/RFA joint venture the EC could cover the cost. Details later.
- Other ideas were mentioned for future events: A tour of the Asia Pacific Museum in Pasadena (two blocks from a Metro stop); El Segundo Old Town Music Hall (free parking); photo exhibit on Norway in the Union Station Lobby (right now); trip to the Federal Reserve downtown via DASH bus from UPC campus (to be researched by Dick Martin); Bob Hope Patriotic Hall; Exposition Park Rose Garden and Afro-American museum.
New Initiatives– Breakout Groups Summary of Suggestions
- Increase advocacy by way of programs, centering on issues jointly important to university employees and retirees.
- Investigate social networking opportunities to increase visibility of the SRA, to improve SRA communication among members and to provide opportunities for socialization for SRA members whose mobility is restricted.
- Provide more accessible technical assistance to SRA members so they can more easily access social networking opportunities.
- More joint meetings between SRA and RFA.
- Inclusion of SRA members on university standing and working committees
- Reactivate Trojans Helping Trojans (THT) to reach out to SRA and RFA members who need additional help including such things as inability to use email and web pages, in need of transportation and visits to those who are home restricted. Other THT opportunities could include phone trees for critical occasions and scripted calls to recruit board members.
- Personal presentations (on a volunteer basis) by interested members of SRA and RFA to the general university community, including both employees and retirees.
- Reinitiate Home Coming Tail Gate, perhaps in cooperation with the Alumni Association.
- More social activities, both on campus and at member’s homes, including activities like the prior area socials.
- Reach out to the Staff Club as a source of recruitment of future SRA members.
- Participate in Staff Appreciation Week at both UPC and HSC to increase visibility of SRA to actively employed staff.
New Business
- None.