Dr. Slaughter has been a pioneer in science and education for more than half a century, resulting in extensive and long-lasting contributions to engineering as an executive, administrator, and researcher in industry, academia, and the federal government. He has made ground-breaking technical contributions to closed-loop, automated control systems; he has provided impactful leadership of complex organizations significantly affecting the profession. Dr. Slaughter is a champion of human progress; he has worked tirelessly to bring us closer to our ideals of equality and excellence each day. As such, he has been a pioneer at the forefront of national efforts to increase participation and inclusion of persons from underrepresented demographic populations in STEM fields within the academe and technical workforce. As the National Science Foundation (NSF) Assistant Director for Astronomical, Atmospheric, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Dr. Slaughter participated in planning that led to the establishment of NSF’s Engineering Directorate. He worked tirelessly to broaden the participation of women and BIPoC scholars within STEM. Dr. Slaughter is the former Chancellor of the University of Maryland, College Park and the former President of Occidental College. He has received numerous honors including the 2022 IEEE Founders’ Medal, a member of the National Academy of Engineering including its Bueche Award, a fellow of the IEEE and the AAAS, and the US Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring in 2012 from President Obama. Dr. Slaughter has received over 30 honorary degrees. At USC, Dr. Slaughter is a 2021 University Professor, the recipient of a 2019 Presidential Medallion, and the recipient of a Provost’s Mentoring Award in 2016. One of his numerous remarkable traits is to exhibit high levels of achievement while simultaneously improving the outcomes of others without sacrificing excellence in whatever he accomplished. As a result of all he achieved, Dr. Slaughter is no doubt deserving of the Faculty Lifetime Achievement Award.
John Slaughter