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Board Meeting Minutes – November 2018



Friday, November 16, 2018

10:00 am- 12:00 noon

University Religious Center 104

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mike Klineman at 10:02 am.

Present:  Gretchen Anderson, Janette Brown, Linda Forman, Bill Givens, Jill Hopkins, Connie Horak, Mike Klineman, Calvin Lau, Dick Martin, Donna Simmons*, Sue Vogel

*by video

Absent:  Evelyn Alva, Karen Ammons, Fred Dear, David Donovan, Dixon Johnson, Harriet Servis, Lynn Williams, Victor Webb, Debbie Wong

Guest:  Sunny Chew

Welcome and Remarks – Michael Klineman

  • As always, Mike warmly greeted members of the Board. Big event coming up.  Asked Board members to please read minutes in advance when sent by email.

Approval of minutes from October meeting – Linda Forman

  • The October 19, 2018 minutes were approved as corrected. Moved: Gretchen Anderson; Seconded: Bill Givens.


Financial Report and Data Management, and Membership Recruitment and Renewals – Dick Martin

  • Treasurer’s report: Dick circulated a detailed financial analysis of all income and expenses for the current fiscal year, as of 11/4/2018. The USC Credit Union accounts total $34,388.10 with $20,578.38 in the checking account.  The SRA share of the Endowment Account is $64,339.78 (annual earnings rate = 4.50%).  Year to date for 2018-19 total funds received for dues, endowment and gifts are $11,570.  As of 10/17/2018, we have 264 2018-19 paid renewals, 155 life members and 144 joint members.  In addition, we have 151 new gold card retirees who received their first year SRA membership free.  Four (4) members renewed beyond 2018.

Staff Assembly – Bill Givens

  • Connie Horak will be picking up the position from Bill Givens, effective July 2019.
  • SRA members are needed to volunteer to be on Staff Assembly committees.

RFA – Calvin Lau

  • RFA membership structure is under review. RFA is looking to reach out to faculty earlier in their careers, before retirement.
  • Caldwell Scholars and Distinguished Speaker Series remain the main activities of RFA.
  • RFA is developing programs designed to encourage retired faculty to reach out to their home departments.  In addition, new programs to reach out to current faculty are under consideration.

Programs and Hospitality – Connie Horak, Harriet Servis and Donna Simmons

  • In honor of the 40th anniversary of the Emeriti Center, the December 2018 Holiday Party will be held on Monday, December 10, 2018, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, as a an upbeat, fun, celebratory reception and luncheon. It will remain at Town and Gown.  Volunteers for ballroom/foyer set-up should arrive at 9:00 am, others no later than 10:00am.  Check in will be begin at 10:30 am.  USC Card will have a table set up to make new USC Retiree gold cards that have a picture and magnetic strip.  Handicap access will be from the patio straight into the ballroom.  The USC Credit Union is providing 400 logo event back-packs.  The USC Archivist is providing some of the USC First Hundred Year picture books.  The Committee recommends that they be handed out at exit.  A large de facto committee is offering input on the celebration detail.  The committee meets mostly on the web, either by email or video conference.  The program will be extensive, so we will not have the usual student performances.  A medley of holiday songs will be played as background music during lunch.  Jerry Walker’s Oceanaire’s Barber Shop Quartet will perform on the patio before lunch. Debbie Wong will be co-coordinator with Donna Simmons for Town and Gown.  A cart and driver will be hired from Town and Gown to transport retirees from the Royal St. and McCarthy Way parking structures.  A pop-up tent will be set up at the entrance to the patio area for the donations of gently used business clothing.  Sue Vogel will provide an additional pop-up tent will in case of rain.  Three check-in tables will be set up on the patio.  Greeters will be outside Town and Gown to guide people in.  Calvin Lau will take pictures of the event and will make them available to the EC for permanent storage, and hopefully as web-linked archive also.  Connie Horak will contact Casey Kazlauskas to arrange for a second photographer.  There will be an alcohol serving bar set up on the east end of the patio.  An historical exhibit and slide show will be projected on a large screen monitor in the foyer, along with flyers and membership forms.  RSVP at ly/EC40thAnniversary.  Thanks to Nikki Lau (EC) for help with final graphics on the invitation postcards.
  • Looking for ideas for the SRA June 2018 General Meeting. Donna is suggesting a tour of University Church next door to the University Religious Center.

Emeriti Center – Janette Brown

  • Encore and AROHE handouts were distributed to SRA Board meeting.
  • EC is updating its list serves. Now able to send emails from almost everywhere to anywhere.  The Staff Assembly now has access to a list serve so that it can now send messages to all Staff retirees.
  • The Living History Project needs a sponsor (director), to recruit participants and coordinate recorded interviews.
  • Contact the EC if you need the form for a new or replacement gold card. USC Card Services will be at the EC 40th Anniversary Celebration.
  • Programs under consideration:
    1. Assisting future and new retirees with financial planning. Important to use speakers who are objective and familiar with non-profit organizations’ employee programs and are non-biased in approach.
    2. A security workshop focusing on both personal and cybersecurity.
    3. Widows and widowers group conversation and free lunch
    4. Emeriti College program by Bill Givens on writing and publishing a book.
  • Upcoming
    1. USC Emeriti Center 40th Anniversary Celebration
    2. 3rd Annual USC Interprofessional Health Symposium
  • More information can be found on the Emeriti Center website at or by sending an email to:

Emeriti Center Benefits & Resources Committee – Connie Horak

  • Some members of the SRA Board of Directors expressed concern about rising rates for the USC Senior Care Medicare gap insurance, as well as for limitations to reimbursable services. Janette Brown asked that any Board members or acquaintances who have issues to write them up and email them to her.  She will share them with someone high-up in USC administration.

Special Events – Bill Givens

  • Bill is planning a tour of The Last Bookstore, a huge facility downtown, with lunch to follow at Grand Central Market. We will be using a bus from the University Park Campus, leaving around 10:00 am.  Information about the locale can be found at the store’s web site,  The tour is scheduled for February 22, 2018.
  • A Federal Reserve Tour is scheduled for January 30, 2018, at 1:00 pm.  Attendance will be capped at 30 (the Federal Reserve tour cap).
  • A visit of Dr. Lynn Swartz Dodd’s USC archeology lab and collections is being developed.
  • A Walt Disney Concert Hall Organ tour is still being researched. A compatible date remains a problem.

New Business

  • A luncheon at the Faculty Center is being arranged so that SRA Board members who are interested in development of Senior Housing can meet with Tom Safran, a developer with extensive experience in the area.

Adjournment at 12:01 pm

Minutes taken by: Linda Forman