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Event Series Monthly SRA Board Meeting

Monthly SRA Board Meeting

Join us every month for the SRA meeting, where we discuss upcoming events and logistical matters related to our social, educational, and entertaining programs. As a community, we strive to maintain a strong and lasting relationship with each other and USC through our various events, including casual lunch programs, an annual retirement luncheon, a holiday… Read More »Monthly SRA Board Meeting

SRA Viewing of SDA Spring Musical: Urinetown

Bing Theatre 3500 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join your colleagues for our annual USC School of Dramatic Arts Spring Musical Production. We have a block of 35 good seats and the price is only $10 per person ($22 for general public). The cost is being subsidized by the SRA. Discounted tickets are for SRA Life Members and currently paid 2022-2023 SRA… Read More »SRA Viewing of SDA Spring Musical: Urinetown

Event Series Monthly SRA Board Meeting

Monthly SRA Board Meeting

Join us every month for the SRA meeting, where we discuss upcoming events and logistical matters related to our social, educational, and entertaining programs. As a community, we strive to maintain a strong and lasting relationship with each other and USC through our various events, including casual lunch programs, an annual retirement luncheon, a holiday… Read More »Monthly SRA Board Meeting

USC Emeriti Center Trojan Table April 28th

University Religious Center 835 W 34th St, Los Angeles, California

The USC Emeriti Center and retired USC faculty and staff invite you on April 28th, 2023 to Trojan Table.

Event Series Monthly SRA Board Meeting

Monthly SRA Board Meeting

Join us every month for the SRA meeting, where we discuss upcoming events and logistical matters related to our social, educational, and entertaining programs. As a community, we strive to maintain a strong and lasting relationship with each other and USC through our various events, including casual lunch programs, an annual retirement luncheon, a holiday… Read More »Monthly SRA Board Meeting

SRA June Membership Meeting with Lunch & Speaker

Featured speaker: Dr. Constanza Cortes,  Assistant Professor Gerontology, USC Leonard Davis, School of Gerontology. Please join your SRA colleagues for our annual **In Person** SRA Membership meeting. This year’s primary business is our biannual election of officers. We are pleased to host a special presentation by Dr. Constanza Cortes: “The Connection Between Aging and Exercise”… Read More »SRA June Membership Meeting with Lunch & Speaker

Event Series Monthly SRA Board Meeting

Monthly SRA Board Meeting

Join us every month for the SRA meeting, where we discuss upcoming events and logistical matters related to our social, educational, and entertaining programs. As a community, we strive to maintain a strong and lasting relationship with each other and USC through our various events, including casual lunch programs, an annual retirement luncheon, a holiday… Read More »Monthly SRA Board Meeting